How To Get More Bloglovin’ Followers

How To Get More Bloglovin' Followers (and other tips!)
How To Get More Bloglovin' Followers (and other tips!)

Bloglovin’ is a great resource and directory for bloggers who are looking to expand their reach. A good majority of my traffic comes from the site, and being one of the more popular blog/rss readers after the collapse of Google Reader, it’s kind of a no-brainer that your own blog should take advantage of this.

The great thing about it is that any traffic you receive from the site counts towards your own site metrics, as all visitors are directed right to your blog post or RSS feed as opposed to the content simply being shared on another platform. This is great for any ad revenue you might be collecting because it simply adds another source of traffic for your blog.

If you haven’t yet set up your own blog on Bloglovin’, you should head on over there right now and create an account. While in your dashboard, click on the profile icon on the top menu and then visit the Settings page to add any new blogs to your profile, as shown below:


This is an essential step to properly set up your blog! Simply having a personal profile and not a profile for your blog will defeat the purpose. You will use your blog’s profile URL when you promote your page as opposed to your personal one. You can find the direct links to your blog profiles by visiting your own personal profile (the Username URL as shown in the image above) and clicking on the “Blogs” link(s) as shown below:


You can view this on my own personal profile right here if you like. Now that you have that all set up, how can you get more followers, and why should you want more Bloglovin’ followers?

The more followers you have, the more individuals are going to see your content. Your posts will show up in their Bloglovin’ feed when they visit the site or use the app. Bloglovin’ also has a feature called “Save” at the bottom of each post, which allows users to “heart” the content if they liked it. The more saves you receive, the greater the chance you have of showing up in the “Explore” tab, which is a collection of the latest most popular posts on Bloglovin’. So, the more you can promote your own blog’s profile, the better!

How to get more followers on Bloglovin!

Promote your blog profile, not your personal profile

As I mentioned above, promoting your blog’s profile is what you want to do. This allows you to collect followers for individual blogs and showcases your blog posts to everyone who has followed you, as opposed to users only seeing your personal activity on the site.

Share Bloglovin’ URLs on social media

Instead of sharing a direct link to your blog post on social media, try changing it up every so often and sharing the Bloglovin’ post URL instead. Below your posts on Bloglovin’, there are share links that allow you to do just that! The benefit of doing this is that anyone who clicks on the Bloglovin’ link will be sent to your post through the Bloglovin’ site. This means that they will have a chance to “save” your post and use the other functions of the site (like following your blog) if they like.

Add the follow widgets to your site

There are some new and less tacky follow widgets available now for inclusion on your blog. By visiting the Widgets page, you can choose which option suits your site best and easily install it with a simple code. I highly recommend including a follow link or widget in your post footer in addition to your blog sidebar so that readers of your blog have the chance to easily click to follow after reading a post. You can see this exact method in action at the bottom of this post.

Use, share, repeat

The key to getting more followers on any social site is to make sure you actually use the site frequently. This means logging into your own account, following your favourite blogs, and saving any posts that you like. Sharing posts from other blogs through the Share widgets and tagging that blogger on Twitter or Facebook can help expand your reach as well, should the blogger decide to retweet or spread the love.

Your personal profile has benefits too

When you’re logged into Bloglovin’ from your browser or the app, any activity that you make is done through your personal profile, not your blog’s profile. This means that any blogs you follow, collections your make, or any Saves you make are shared with those that interact or follow your personal page. So, if you were to save your own blog posts, your followers would see that activity and it would give them a chance to check out the post as well. If you follow other users, you are doing so through your personal account. Much like other social networks, following individuals gives them the opportunity to follow you back!

Make sure you’re in the right category

Adding the proper category to your blog will help you show up in different areas on Bloglovin’. To change your blog’s category, click your profile icon in the menu bar and then Blog Analytics. Beside your blog name, click the Edit Blog Info button and select your category from the dropdown:

Get More Bloglovin Followers

Sometimes you just need to ask

Many times all it takes is a quick mention or request for your readers to follow you on a site so they can stay updated. It doesn’t hurt to include a reminder in your email newsletters, social accounts, or blog posts every now and again, but I would definitely refrain from going overboard with this! A friendly and less frequent, “hey, by the way…” goes a lot farther than a pushy “follow me on Bloglovin’!!!” message.

I hope these tips help you grow your own following, and I’d love to hear any other tricks that have worked for you!

The post How To Get More Bloglovin’ Followers appeared first on I Can Build a Blog.

Source: Html and CSS tutorial