How To Fix Windows 10 update 'Something Happened' Error

Some users who accidentally interrupt their update (restart or shutdown), have been experiencing issues resuming the update, "Something happened error". The fix for this error is totally simple.

The most common cause of this error  is; if you restart your system, while performing the update using the Media creation tool Upgrade this computer option.

Solution 1: Restart your System

Yes, a sometimes a good old restart is what your Windows needs to recover from interrupted installations.

  • So, restart your system.
  • If you're updating directly online, connect your system to the internet
  • Run the media creation tool to restart the update.

Solution 2: Do a Disk Cleanup (of Windows update cache):

If after solution 1, the problem still persists, perform the following process:
  • Go to "my computer" / "This PC" or enter Window key + E.
  • Right click on your Windows drive, mostly C: and click on properties to bring up the drive's properties (depicted in the screen below).
  • Click on "Disk Cleanup"
  • Wait for Disk Cleanup to calculate the amount of space that can be freed
  • After the phase, click the "Clean up system files button" (highlighted in the image below). 

  • Wait again to Windows to estimate the amount of free space that can be gained,  after this final wait, the Files to delete list will be updated with some new entries, make sure you check "Windows Update" entry there, click on OK.
  • Wait for the lengthy cleanup phase, 
  • Restart your computer
  • Fire up the Update tool again, this time: