
ITS provides domain names for official university activities and related organizations. These domains must reside on servers located in the university IP address space. NOTE: ITS does not provide domain names in the ".com" domain.
ITS also provides IP-address management services for the 55,000+ IP addresses in use at the university.


  • Register your,, or subdomain (for official university business), or register a custom domain
  • Request an IP address assignment on campus to run your own server
  • Register devices with an appropriate host name for DNS service


Register and host domain name that ends For example,,
For university-wide services, projects, departments and organizations. Name must be approved by ITS.
No charge.
Register and host domain name that ends in or For example,
For university-wide services, projects, departments and organizations. Name must be approved by ITS.
$51 per year to register and host the domain name.
Host "vanity" domain names. For example,
You must register the domain name with an external provider.
Cost of registering domain name with external provider, plus $51 per year to host the domain name.
Charges cover all the individual host names you may wish to put in your domain, such as www.yourdomain.organd You are not charged separately for each name you register within your domain, only for the domain itself.
Renewals will be billed automatically at the turn of the fiscal year, September 1. You must submit notification prior to September 1 if you want to cancel hosting; send cancellation requests by email to or by letter to the Business Office. There is no prorating done for domains registered late in the fiscal year.
Domain name service does not include hosting content. For information on hosting content, visit the Web Publishing Services page.